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Defining Christian Repentance

David was called a man after God’s heart (1 Samuel 13:14). Yet, David arranged for Bathsheba’s husband to be killed so he could have her (2 Samuel 11–12). How can that be?
Yes, David’s crimes were heinous, and God was displeased with him. David did pay a terrible price for what he did. However, David was able to repent and restore His relationship with God. We should feel encouraged that we can do this too, no matter what we have done.
How We Can Practice Repentance
God commands everyone to repent (Acts 17:30–31). There are several Christian principles that can help us to take steps toward repentance.
Overcome barriers
We must recognize the barriers that hold us back from repentance such as:
- We do not feel good enough to approach God.
- We do not believe that God will forgive us.
- We cannot admit that we were wrong because of pride.
- We doubt and lack faith in God.
Build a strong faith in God
David was strong in his faith. Although he was a young man with a slingshot against a giant warrior, he fearlessly faced Goliath and conquered him. David believed that God was loving and merciful. He believed that if he confessed his sins to God, he would be…